
Surf Hut Framed Canvas

A fun coastal photographic print on stretched canvas framed in a thin premium veneer frame. A fantastic way to add interest to any space.

To ensure longevity of prints on canvas, we recommend avoiding exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods of time in order to maintain print colour. Wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Stretched cotton blend canvas, timber veneer outer frame, pine stretcher backing frame.

Our prints on canvas are strung with cord and ready to hang. Visit your local hardware store or contact a professional picture hanger for advice on the best types of fixtures and method to use for your specific wall type. Please also be sure to take into account the weight of each piece.

This print is custom made to order and may take up to 2-4 weeks for delivery. All prints are sent via sensitive freight, a $75 freight cost will be charged at checkout. Alternatively, select Pickup in store for freight free collection.

Product dimensions (W x H x D): 120 x 80 x 5 cm